It’s junk modelling time! 

Dear Families,

We love dinosaurs so much we want to make our own!

For our last week before half term we will be making our own dinosaur models. 

Please can you help us by collecting some recyclable materials that you think we could use for our junk modelling. Things that would be good are egg boxes, cardboard, toilet rolls, lids from bottles etc.

We will be planning what we will need to make our dinosaurs and drawing designs this next week. If when planning we decide we may need specific things for our models, we will put a list on the blog and hopefully we can all help each other collect the materials.

All recyclables need to be in school on MONDAY 17th OCTOBER. 
Thanks in advance for your support,

Miss Irwin 😁

Carnivores or herbivores

We have been learning about the different types of dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs that are carnivores usually have sharp teeth to eat meat, sharp claws and 2 legs to run fast.

Herbivores have rounded teeth to help chew plants, four legs and are quite slow. Some have long necks to eat leaves off tall trees.

Miss Irwin asked us to go and choose any dinosaur we wanted. Then we had to decide if the our dinosaur was a carnivore or herbivore, then we sorted them. Look how clever we are. 


Swimming Dinosaurs

As part of our topic this week we have been learning about deep water dinosaurs.

Using Rufus’ book we found out about a swimming reptile called a ‘Liopleurodon’, not to be confused with a ‘Liopoorodon’ as sometimes is can be mistakenly pronounced, especially by the boys in our class! 🙊

We used our information books to gathering more facts about the reptile. We found out they were massive reptiles. 25m long! We couldn’t quite picture in our heads how big that would be. So some of us suggested measuring the same length with the measuring wheels. So we went to the secret field because we thought we might have more space to measure it up there. 

It was massive!  
 We also found some cylinders! 

We also heard some swimming reptiles might have had webbed feet. Some of us were not sure what webbed feet were. So Miss Irwin suggested looking at George and Buddy’s webbed feet. 

 Today during our afternoon we chose and printed out some Liopleurdons to cut about and draw. As a class we discussed what colours the repulse might have been as we know scientist is don’t really know. We talked about camouflage and if they were Living in The sea they’d probably be blue colour or if it was dirty water like the duck water they might be more green or brown like a crocodile. 

Some amazing discussions. Our brains are so big! 


This week we have been learning about different groups of dinosaurs. We started the week researching Sauropods. We learnt that Sauropods were large herbivore dinosaurs. They had long legs and tails and some were as big as a double decker bus and as long as  a tennis court!

We watched a video about how big these dinosaurs were, so big in fact that there feet (which were as large as our classroom carpet) would sometimes stand on other smaller dinosaurs and not even know! Watch it here. Sauropods

We all looked at the different types of Sauropods and categorized them based on what they looked like.


Some of us have also been making dinosaur nests and others have made dinosaur bones with Ruby’s mum and Miss Sherliker.

We also watched this video about dinosaur bones. We thought it was really funny.

I dig dem dinosaur bones



Dinosaur footprints

After the snow had fallen over night, Miss Irwin found something strange left behind the next morning in the mud kitchen. She had taped it off and kept it safe so we could go and see it. 

At first we weren’t sure what it was but on closer inspection we decided it was a footprint there was a discussion about wether it was human or not, but when we looked at the toes we knew it couldn’t be human as it only had 3 toes.


When we looked at it closer in comparison to our feet we realised it could have been a dinosaur footprint! 

We had to talk with our friends about a way we could measure it.

We decided to use multi link. We all had a guess at how long the footprint was. Then we measured to see who was the nearest. It measured 64 multi link. We hope we never have to meet this dinosaur! 

How do you make a T-Rex’s jaw? 

Good question? We think so, that’s why we made it part of our maths lesson today.

Firstly you will need some T-Rex facts. 

Did you know a T-Rex’s jaw was 1.2m long and filled with 50-60 teeth.

When you have the facts you need to see what the jaws would look like.

Then you need to know how to draw the teeth.

We learnt how to measure with a ruler and draw a tooth.   
 We then cut them out then put them in the jaw outline.   
Look at our T-Rex jaw.

Just see how big it was we tried to see how many children the T-Rex could eat in one go. The answer is all of class Jonah! 

Dinosaurs everywhere!

For the last few days we have been enjoying our dinosaur topic. 

Miss Brindley made us a messy dinosaur tray. We enjoyed putting dinosaurs in it and doing some role play.   We enjoyed using our small world, moving the dinosaurs around the land and making them eat plants and each other! 
 On the malleable table we used our playdough to create our own dinosaurs using tools to make teeth marks and cutting playdough to make spines and plates.  
As part of our creative work we are making different dinosaur shakers with Miss Brindley. When making our shakers we have to think about the noise in the shakers and how our dinosaur might have sounded when they moved. Keep watching the blog to see our shakers when they are finished.

 Miss Sherliker has been helping us this week by making sure we are secure with the names of our 2D shapes. We made 2D dinosaurs by cutting and sticking the shapes in place. We all did so well we got our target for maths on Friday.   
By using the dinosaur library we have been learning some amazing facts. Did you know a T-Rex’s tooth was the same length as our head as measured from the top of our skull to our chin! 😮

  During our IPad time this week we worked with Miss Irwin to learn how to take close up photos of the dinosaurs in the small world. Our  technology skilłs were very impressive. We are going to use these photos to write information sentences next week.  
Don’t they look realistic?  

Hello 2016 and Dinosaurs 

Well lets just say it felt like a shock to the system getting up this morning. When we arrived at school this morning we all looked a bit tired. Soon though the cobwebs were blown away and we were back into the swing of things.

Today was the first day for our new Teaching Assistant Miss Sherliker. We showed her round and some of us got to work with her and show her how big our brains are. She’s really nice. 😀

Some of us ventured into the new role-play ‘The Dinosaur information  Library’.It had all sorts of things to look at that will help us to start our topic on dinosaurs. 

After playtime we showed Miss Irwin how much we remembered about our 2D shapes. We remembered they were flat shapes with sides and corners. Some of us could remember all the shapes we’d learnt so far.

To show how good our memories were we played 2D shape bingo.   

 Some of us won prizes. ⭐️👍
This afternoon was P.E. We played a game called ‘Dinosaur eggs’. We learnt that Dinosaurs layed eggs then they had to protect them from carnivore Dinosaurs. 

In our game some of us were protecting eggs while others tried to steal them. We had to use lots of different skills such as stealth, quickness and deception. We also had to learn that sometimes we don’t always win and that its ok to loose. As loosing makes you try harder next time. Some of the sneakiest Dinosaurs were the boys but Miss Irwin was pretty good too.    

We could play this game at home if you will let us, we know all the rules and you don’t even need real eggs! It’s very easy and definitely great fun.