How you can help at home 14.10.16

This week in school we have been learning so much our brains can not fit into our jumpers! 

In phonics we have been learning the phonemes K and ck as well as the tricky words- the, I and to. 

In our maths we have been ordering numbers and matching amounts to numbers. 

As well as tecobginsong numbers we have also been carrying on with our formation. We practised 8 and 9. We know if we do 9 the wrong way around it looks like a letter P.

We have also been writing our dinosaur plans for our dinosaur models next week by writing labels for what materials we will need. Our segmenting and blending is getting better with practise. 

In our exploring we have had dinosaur making competitions.
In Buddy time we designed our big brain front book covers.

We’ve been making dens
and looking for fossils.

We’ve even started to make our own fossil pictures with Mrs Ainscough. 

How you can help out learning at home

  1. Practise wrong numbers around the house on pay it notes and get us to find the. And order them. Can we tell you what the numbers are?
  2. Practise writing words for models or toys we play with. Using writing in our every day routine is a good way to encourage us to write for a purpose. 
  3. Practise our new letters by finding them in words a round the house or shops. 

How you can help at home after this week’s learning 7.10.16

This week we have been extremely busy learning and exploring.

In phonics we learnt – g,o and c. We know their capital names and sound. To help us learn them at home you can practise writing them, spotting them on labels and food wrappers.


These are some in our classroom that Finley our new class member found today.  


Ice Cream truck

We could even sing the songs with you by watching the YouTube jolly phonics song. 

Jolly phonics songs 

In maths we have been practising careful counting this means counting one object at a time.

Can we count different things at home? If so can we send Miss Irwin photos or videos of us counting so we can show our friends next week?

Other things we’ve learnt this week-

  1. That dinosaurs laid eggs and how we could make some. 
  2. How to program a beebot robot to make it move.
  3. Practise makes perfect when writing our letters and it doesn’t matter how, when or for what reason we just need to write.
  4. That reading, writing inside a castle is great fun.

Harvest festival starts at 11am on Sunday we can bring along our cans to church. 

Happy weekend. 😃

Reading is a life skill 📚

Dear Parents, 

You might have seen this tub in the classroom the last few mornings. It’s for the children’s reading books. Parents and children need to put reading books and reading diaries in the tub if they need changing. 

We have been trying to encourage the children to put their books in when they have read them twice. They need assistance with this so I am asking that you help them to do this in the morning when you enter school. Doing this will enable staff to change books quicker and save time.

I would also like to praise those parents who are reading regularly with their child. 35% of children in the class read regularly (3 times a week minimum) and these children have moved up 2 or 3 book bands in the last term. This is a credit to the support their parents are giving them. Well done 😀. 

I regularly check how often children read at home. I will soon be arranging meetings with parents who have not read with their child to find out if there is a way I can support them with improving reading at home. 

To support reading skills at home I will be hosting a ‘stay and read’ session at the end of May. More details will follow soon. I really want to help you to encourage your children to have a love of reading. As their teacher it is extremely important to me that your children develop their reading to a high level as reading is a life skill.


I look forward to seeing books in the tub.

Kind regards

Miss Irwin

French cafe and building walls

This morning in phonics we worked on our blends at the beginning of words. Such as St, ch, th , the, star, bl, br, tr and had a go at writing words and spelling them with blends in. 

If we say the words slowly and think about what our mouth is doing it helps us to write down all the letters in the blend. 

Maybe we could try sounding out and writing some of these words at home! 

Tree, three, blend, spend, trip, skip, creep, sleep. 

We did also do some secret stuff which we can’t tell you about. But during secret work time some of us did find time to build some walls.
After lunch we had French with Mrs Oakes and she opened up her cafe again. This week she was selling ‘pain au chocolate’ . We had to colour in and cut our euros to go and buy the food in the shop. We used hello, thank you, please and many more French words we’ve remembered from over the last year. 
After playtime we did some year 1 writing in year 1 books for Mrs Hodder, she’s going to be so impressed! 😀 but don’t tell her it’s a surprise! 

Newsletter 12th September

Dear Parents,

This week has been our first full week at school and by Friday afternoon we all seemed very ready for a weekend rest, including the adults.

We have done so much this week its a wonder our brains haven’t exploded!  We have learnt more letter sounds, which means we can start to write the words-sat, pat and tap. We have tried to remember how to hold our pens with our ‘pecky fingers’-this is are our thumb and first finger which we pinch together to hold our pencil.


We have also been practising our maths by forming our numbers, counting objects and recognising numbers to 10 and 20. This has helped Miss Irwin to understand what we had already learnt before we came to school, so she can plan what we need to learn next.

As well as maths and reading and writing we have also practised important skills like our cutting. Holding scissors and opening and closing them is a very tricky skill. But as Miss Irwin always says ‘Practise makes perfect.’

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The most important thing we have been learning this week though, is learning our new class mates names and how to play and share nicely with our new friends.

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Next week we will be learning to form numbers and recognise their amounts. Learning how to segment and blend letters together to make words and we will be planning our Gruffalo picnic.

How you can help us at home

  • Practise writing our learnt letters at home-s,a,t,p.
  • Practise writing our numbers.
  • Read and look at our books with us and remember to write in our diaries when we do.


Meet the teacher meeting is this Friday 19th September in Class Jonah at 5.30pm. All parents are invited to come. You will find out about the curriculum, classroom and school rules,  what is expected in the coming year and how to support us at home. Parents will also have time to ask any questions.

*Remember any other school information is available on the school website. Important dates and relevant information to this term is on the  school newsletter, available to download from the news section.

Have a nice weekend 🙂

The Reception Team


2D Shapes

Before half term Class Jonah briefly learnt about 2D shapes.

We learnt that:

  • 2D shapes were flat.
  • That they had sides.
  • Some are called circles, squares, triangles, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons and octagons.

We will be going back to look at shapes again in the future but we just can’t stop watching our favourite shape songs. So Miss Irwin thought she would share them with you so we can sing them at home too.


If we want to be really clever and show how on fire our brains are, we can tell you the difference between 2D shapes and 3D shapes.





Reading books

This week we will be coming home with reading books. Please support us to read these at home.

Reading is fun and we are just getting used to recognising the letters and putting them together. To enjoy reading its a good idea to just flick through the book and enjoy it first. Then to look at a couple of pages a time and try and blend the letters to make words.

Key things we can do with our reading at home:
•Look at the pictures and describe what’s happening.
•Look at the letters we’ve learnt at school and see if we can blend them together to read words, using our robot arms!
• Can we retell the story to you?
• Talk about our favourite bits or what we liked?
• Do we have any questions about it?

Reading books are to be supportive to our learning at school. Books should be read at least twice. Every time we read at home we need to write in our reading diary, with a comment about what we could do or maybe what we needed support with.

Soon you will all get introduced to bugclub and your online reading books. So watch this space. 🙂




Learning Packs

Today we went home with our learning pack. It has got lots of things in to keep at home that will help us with our learning.

If we learn at home as well at school we have more chance of securing our learning and getting bigger brains.

We have our name cards.

Letter formation card.

Number formation card.

Phonic sound card.

Useful websites list.

Our reading diary.

We also had our sound pockets with our letter s and a in. With instructions on how to use them.

If we do any of these at home we will have more chance of being better at our reading, writing and maths.

If we are not sure how to use them we can just ask Miss Irwin. 🙂

Happy learning!