Flower finger painting

This afternoon we’ve been painting with our fingers and we have created some beautiful master pieces.

We learnt how to look at the flowers at the colour and size of the flowers and petals and then to decide which fingers to use to make the right size print.











Some of us learnt how to mix colours by making purple, light blues and green. We also managed to get paint in other places other than on the paper as the wind blew our paintings on us! You might find paint in some strange places, but all the paint used will wash out!

Our artistic skills will be on show in the garden centre soon for viewings.


The time has come in the year when Alison will open up her freezer and start selling ice lollies.

It is
30p for a double lolly
35p for a rocket lolly

or if we can’t eat a whole one we could bring 15p and agree to share it with our friend.

Alison has said though- “No money, No Lollies“.

Money can be given to Miss Irwin and will be put in the Ice Lolly tin for safe keeping until lunch times.

What a good way for us to practise learning about money! 🙂

Trip to Glebe Farm-Change of Date


It has come to Miss Irwin’s attention that on Wednesday 7th there has been a clash of calendars with Ed’s birthday gathering.
Therefore our trip to Glebe Farm will now be on the Thursday 8TH afternoon at the same time. If there are any free adults to accompany us please let Miss Irwin know.

Kind regards
Miss Irwin

Trip to Glebe Farm next Wednesday afternoon

glebe farm official
To carry on with our learning of coins and how to use money, Miss Irwin would like to take us to spend some money. We are going to go to the farm next week to practise our coin recognition and counting skills. If there are any mummies, daddies or grandparents who are free next Wednesday the 7th at about 1.30 we would appreciate the adult help with walking over and to keep us company for an hour.

We will need to bring some money with us to have an ice cream- £2.00.
The money can be given to Miss Irwin on the day and she will put it in an envelope with our name on it.

Little bit of shopping!

We do like a little bit of shopping in Class Jonah even the boys!

Today we started the day with a coin hunt. Mr Naylor had hidden some coins outside and we had to find them…which is often tricky when Mr Naylor hides them! After we found our coins we then set about learning what the different coins were. We looked at the different colour of the coins, their sizes, the numbers on them and what shape they were. Then we learnt their names and amounts. Our targets this week are to remember the different coins, their names and how much they are worth.

After our work with Miss Irwin we did some shopping in the Garden Centre. We had to go to the shop and use our coins to buy something. We bought lots of things and even took them off to continue our learning. Some of us collecting woodlice in the flower pots, some making holes and building in the mud kitchen and some of us to plant our own seeds and label them.

Fun times!

Garden Centre List

We have been discussing our Garden Centre and things we might need this is what we have come up with

Big bird house – Thomas
Water fountain (big)- Nathan
Roses- Rosie
Bird feeders- Ed
Dove house- Charlotte
Animal statues- Isaac
Sale banner- Evie
Labels- prices – Georgette
Hanging baskets- Harry W
More seed packets- Maddie
Waterfall- Ellie
Sunflowers- Annabelle
Cat made out of logs- Alfie
Merekat garden ornament- Finn
Opening times- Bethany
Lavender + Apple tree – Eva Rose
Pansies- Harry AW
Hollyhocks – Harry AW

Miss Irwin thinks things like fake flowers, old wellies, hanging baskets and possibly garden chairs might be a good addition as some of us would quite like to do some more planting which we can do in the wellies and baskets. Some people would also like to have a café in the garden centre too, which a few garden chairs might come in handy.

If we do have things we can bring from home we promise to try our best to keep them in good condition and return them to their owners at the end of our topic. Please remember to put your names on your name on anything you bring in.

Measuring and shows!

On Wednesday we spent the morning learning how to measure our growing plants with rulers and recording it on our chart. We have used rulers for measuring before and are now feeling quite skilled at measuring. We will measure them again soon to see if they have grown.

We also found a surprise from Percy in the shed. He had got us some nice things to put in our Garden Centre and said he had also ordered us a surprise that would come in the post!
Later on in the afternoon during our choosing time some of us played with hoola hoops and decided we wanted to put on a show. The boys on the train building decided they wanted to be involved. Some of us wrote invitations for people to come to the show, the girls playing in the mud then set to making some nice mud pie easter chocolate cake. Miss Kippen and Miss Irwin had a great time at the show and even threw flowers (as instructed by us) to the performers at the end!

We are hoping to do a lot more shows soon.

Newsletter 25.4.14

Dear Parents,

This week we have started our new topic of growing we carried on observing our seeds that we planted before half term. Some of our sunflowers are really growing big but some of our beanstalks have not yet appeared! We have been using rulers to measure them to see if they have grown. Some of us have seen a 2cm growth in just one week. Its super exciting.

We have also been on our trip to Astbury Garden Centre where we looked at the things they sell and talked about why people would use them. We have made a list of the things we would like in our garden centre and Miss Irwin is going to put it on the blog to see if anybody has anything spare in their gardens that we can borrow for our role-play. Miss Irwin did remind us that it was probably unlikely we might no get to borrow a dove house or water feature but spare ornaments, potted plants might come in!

In our phonics this week we have gone onto our next set of sounds- we are now on GREEN sounds. The green sounds are blends. We have learnt that when we see blends at the end of the word we can squeeze them together and say them faster. For example instead of saying l d, we now say ld. We have been on blend hunts and are spotting them in words around the classroom and in our bug club books we are doing really well.

Next week on Monday Mr O’Leary will be teaching the class Miss Irwin has instructed us to help Mr O’Leary all day because he might not know where things are or how we do things in Class Jonah so we all have to be his helpers. We will be doing P.E on Monday afternoon with him so we all need our P.E kits in school.

In Maths next week we will continue to measure but we are also going to start learning about money and what the value of coins are. In our writing we will be sequencing stories and how plants grown and practising writing our super sentences.

How you can help at home:
*Practising writing words with end blends in e.g
*Look at coins and see what coins we recognise- are they different colours, do they have numbers on them, do we know the names of them?

Please make sure you have read the School-Newsletter-3rd-April-2014
as it has lists of what the children are expected to wear for Astbury May Day and asks for donations for the stalls. We will be starting our dancing this next week. Costumes will be supplied nearer the time.
Girls need: white pumps and white socks.
Boys need: black pumps, white socks and a white long sleeved shirt.
It might be worth while talking to parents from last year to see if they have any out grown pumps or shirts they don’t need anymore. There is a white pair of girls pumps with Miss Irwin as donated by Mrs Edgerton-Brooks from last year. Check with Miss Irwin for size.
Mrs Rowe found these pumps in Primark for only £2.50!

Have a nice weekend
Miss Irwin and Miss Kippen

Astbury Garden Centre Visit

On Thursday morning we went on a trip to the Astbury Meadow Garden Centre. We went to see what they sell, how it looks and see the people who work there so we could get some ideas for our Garden centre.

We took lots of photos of the different signs and things that we liked. We even saw some garden ornaments and one that looked like a monster- someone said it looked like Mr O’Leary! Can you spot which one it was?

We then went and brought some seeds with Miss Irwin’s money that we are going to plant into our sensory garden. Mrs Blythe’s group found a very special plant called a fly catcher that snaps closed. We bought that too so we can feed it flies and watch it move.

In the afternoon we planted some of our seeds and decorated flowers for the garden centre. The Harry found a parcel in Percy’s shed! Inside the parcel was some giant tweezers, giant magnifying glasses and some worms to measure and count with. We were so excited to use them.

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Back to school with a new arrival

Today we came back to school with lots of energy ready to show Miss Irwin and Miss Kippen how big our brains are.
We also had our new member of class Jonah – Rebecca. She was Miss Irwin’s star of the day for starting at Astbury so well. We all love Rebecca and her wheelchair and iPad.

We also started our topic of growing today- we started our Garden Centre Role Play outside and made some flowers for it.








We checked on our seeds and how they were growing. Then Mrs Cross spotted a nest, she
thinks its a Robin’s nest.




Our reading books will be changed tomorrow if they weren’t changed today.

We also have a trip letter in our bag. We are going to Astbury a Garden Centre on Thursday morning. Please fill in the slip and return it ASAP .