Mucky afternoon

As we have been reading our Superworm book we have been creating our new role-play. We thought of things we wold like and Miss Kippen has been helping us make it. So far we have soil with our worms in it from the worm dancing. We have our tools to dig them up with and our minibeast books to look up things.

Miss Irwin decided we needed to clean up our garden beds outside and some of us decided to help her. We found loads of creatures-snails hiding under rocks, slugs and woodlice. We even found more worms! Reuben found the “smallest snail in the world!”


We have decided we want to go on a minibeast hunt next week to find some more interesting insects.

Pretty maids and adventurous boys

Today was the day the girls got their hair done, got to put on their dresses and wear their tiaras. Today was the official photos for the girls to be the maids with the new May Queen.

As the girls prepared and got excited the boys spent some quality time exploring for insects and eggs with Miss Irwin.

We were so excited today having our hsir done by Mrs Hurlstone made us feel so special. She brough special pink bobbles to match our shashes and hair ribbons. Then she helped us put in out Tiaras which Poppy the New May Queen had bought us. Then we got to wear our dresses and practise twirling in them and looking at ourselves in the mirror. Then we had to go and sit really carefully and smile nicely.
Our photos will be ready soon to buy.


Boys- while the girls got dressed up we got to choose outside with Miss Irwin. We started looking at the insects in the sand, mud kitchen and Garden centre. Then we decided we wanted to find more insects. So we got our tick sheets, magnifying glasses and coats and set off to explore all over the place. We found bees, centipedes, worms, beetles and then eggs in the chicken coops in the allotment it was a great hunt.

Little bit of shopping!

We do like a little bit of shopping in Class Jonah even the boys!

Today we started the day with a coin hunt. Mr Naylor had hidden some coins outside and we had to find them…which is often tricky when Mr Naylor hides them! After we found our coins we then set about learning what the different coins were. We looked at the different colour of the coins, their sizes, the numbers on them and what shape they were. Then we learnt their names and amounts. Our targets this week are to remember the different coins, their names and how much they are worth.

After our work with Miss Irwin we did some shopping in the Garden Centre. We had to go to the shop and use our coins to buy something. We bought lots of things and even took them off to continue our learning. Some of us collecting woodlice in the flower pots, some making holes and building in the mud kitchen and some of us to plant our own seeds and label them.

Fun times!

New things in class Jonah

Some exciting things have appeared in class Jonah today! Miss Irwin went to find out about having another shark for the tank but the fish man said the sharks can grow up to 50cm long. So Miss Irwin decided that a shark would not fit in the fish tank. The man suggest a Chinese siamese fighting fish! So here is our new fighting fish in United red colours!




However, she doesn’t have a name! Miss Irwin would like name suggestions for her. The best suggestion will become her new name. Post your name suggestions as a comment on the blog.


The other thing that appeared was a new greenhouse for us to grow our seeds in. Inside are some strawberry plants, lettuce and tomato plants.

This term we are going to watch our sunflowers grow along side our vegetables and we  will hopefully plant some more things we can transfer to our bed on the new allotment.
