Dinosaur footprints

After the snow had fallen over night, Miss Irwin found something strange left behind the next morning in the mud kitchen. She had taped it off and kept it safe so we could go and see it. 

At first we weren’t sure what it was but on closer inspection we decided it was a footprint there was a discussion about wether it was human or not, but when we looked at the toes we knew it couldn’t be human as it only had 3 toes.


When we looked at it closer in comparison to our feet we realised it could have been a dinosaur footprint! 

We had to talk with our friends about a way we could measure it.

We decided to use multi link. We all had a guess at how long the footprint was. Then we measured to see who was the nearest. It measured 64 multi link. We hope we never have to meet this dinosaur! 

Did somebody say there’s a Hungry Caterpillar?

Well there was today in Class Jonah and we were making food in the mud kitchen for him with Miss Kippen thinking about all different fun foods and things caterpillars could eat. We wrote lists and then took them to the table for him to eat.

We also wrote our very own version of the Hungry Caterpillar with Miss Irwin, using our own ideas and writing skills to retell the story. We definitely think our Caterpillar will be fat with the amount of cakes, eggs, tuna and leaves he will have eaten.

We also had a hunt in the sand area for some creepy crawlies and started to mark them off on our mini-beast guides. We matched words and pictures in a Hungry Caterpillar game which we did all on our own. Mr O’Leary even came to watch us to see how big our brains were!

A finished Igloo and the Grand Opening of the Mud Kitchen

On Friday we invited our families into class in the afternoon to see our houses that we had built, to look in our clever Cat books and to see our Igloo and mud kitchen.

What a way it was to finish our topic on Buildings with a finished Igloo. It’s only taken Class Jonah, Miss Kippen, Miss Beaumont, Miss Bono, Miss Robinson, Mrs Holford and Miss Irwin 6 weeks to make but it’s finally finished and guess what, you can fit a almost all of Class Jonah inside it at one time!

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Thank you to everybody who helped us collect the milk cartons to make this big Igloo.

After we looked at our Igloo and tried it out we went to do the official opening of the Mud Kitchen. Which has been very kindly been made by Mr Holford with the help of Mr Aimes. We had kind donations of pots, utensils and appliances from parents and staff. Mr Holford was there to cut the ribbon with Maddie and Georgette, we all then went up to have a look. We love our mud kitchen and our sign-thank you Mr Holford. We cant wait to start back after half term and to choose in there.

We have all worked exceptionally hard this term and we should be very proud of the journeys we have made in our learning so far. But now it’s time for a well deserved rest.

We hope you all have a very nice half term and don’t get blown away in the blustery wind.
Miss Irwin and Miss Kippen.

Mud Kitchen update!

The Mud kitchen designs have begun and so has the building work.

Having Percy’s presents for the Mud kitchen got us excited! Miss Irwin cant wait for us to see what Mr Holford and Mr Amies made on Friday afternoon for us in the Investigation Area. When it’s all finished we will have an opening ceremony and invite mummies and daddies to come and see it.
Look at how wonderful it looks already…

Thank you for your time and efforts Mr Holford and Mr Amies. If any other parents wish to help, the Daddies will be on site next Friday afternoon if you are free to help.

What will you find in a staff room?

Class Jonah looking at a kitchen, of course!


This afternoon we started our plan for our mud kitchen by doing some research. First we looked on Bing at images of mud kitchens. Then we went to see the kitchen in the staff room, where Miss Irwin showed us where and how the teachers eat their lunches. Then we had a sneaky peek in Alison’s kitchen and saw her big pots and mixers! We really liked them and want some in our kitchen.

Then we went to the investigation to look where we might put our sinks and cupboards. We know Maddie and Georgette’s Dads have been discussing and constructing for us. We can’t wait to start putting it all together.

The next few Friday afternoons are a good day for any helpers to come and assist with the mud kitchen.

We are going to build a Mud Kitchen!

No we haven’t gone mad…its true we are going to build a mud kitchen to go in our investigation area!

Miss Irwin and Miss Kippen have been looking at pictures on the internet of mud kitchens and how we can learn with them and we think it would be a fantastic way to develop our role-play, personal, social and emotional skills and obviously, how to make mud pies and cakes!

To make our mud kitchen we are currently on the look for a few things. We thought it might be an idea to see if any of our followers had any of these going free that could be donated towards our mud kitchen.

  • An unwanted kitchen sink
  • old wooden or metal utensils (spoons, stirrers, egg cups, mug trees, bowls etc)
  • bricks
  • old metal pans
  • metal  baking trays or oven dishes.
  • wooden or metal bowls of all sizes

Have a look at some of these pictures so you can see how much fun we will be having.

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