Red Nose Day dress

This Friday 13th is Red Nose Day. It is a sponsored danceathon in the afternoon. Children are allowed to come dressed in appropriate clothes to dance in. Trainers, t- shirt, something comfortable to dance. Red is a good colour to wear for Red Nose Day. 

All red nose merchandise is allowed to be worn all day. 

Mother’s day afternoon tomorrow.

Hi mummies, 

Tomorrow please come to the entrance of school and sign in. We are not expecting you until 2pm so no need to be early. Unfortunately there is no space on the staff car park so I’m afraid you’ll have to park at the village car park. See you tomorrow for your surprises. 


Miss Irwin

Duck eggs, food tasting and building houses.

No we haven’t lost our marbles. It is true. We are incubating duck eggs in the hope some may hatch to give us ducklings! 😃 

We got them last Thursday but we needed to check the incubators worked before we got too excited. But the good news it is. So now we can start to count down the days until their arrival. We are not allowed to touch the eggs, but we can look at them and check to see if the temperature is ok. So watch this space.

This last two days we have also been completing our targets of recognising coins. Here we are finding them in the bubbles. We have all tried really hard to remember all the different coins. We all got our targets. Yey! 

This afternoon we had french with Mrs Oakes and learnt the names for all the people from the Enormous Turni in French. We could tell you about them as our pictures are in our bags. 

After playtime Miss Irwin told us we had a suprise, we love surprises. The Thing is it wasnt really a good suprise for some of us! 

It was taste testing with the story Oliver’s  Vegetables. We had to try spinach…



EditSweet peas

and Rhubarb. Some of us liked them all. 


Some of us didn’t. But we tried them all, which Miss Irwin was very proud of us all for because If you don’t try you don’t know! 

For the rest of the afternoon most of us were on a mission to build some tree houses. 

Don’t forget Mother ‘s celebrations on Thursday afternoon! 

Mummies please check your Calendar and make sure you can come to school for our special Mother’s Day afternoon tea party. Starts at 2pm. 

In preparation for Thursday we have been doing secret things that we can’t tell you about. So no grilling us about our days because Miss Irwin swore us to secrecy. 

If you can’t come on Thursday because your working, don’t worry you will still get surprises brought home. If you can let Miss Irwin know via note, text or email if your not attending that would be very helpful. You can always send a replacement of a Grandma or Aunty if you wish and little siblings are allowed to join too. 😃

World Book Day 2015

We all came dressed as our favourite book character. Can yiu guess who we are? 

To start our world book day we invited patents to stay and read with us. We showed them how we can read by using our reading fingers to follow words, by talking about the pictures and discussing the story.

We all got given a special sound card to help us with our reading and writing at home. It’s important that we share good reading skills so that you can help us at home. Miss Irwin had also made a special reading guide to help parents at home. These are all in our bags. Miss Irwin has asked that we please use these at home. 

After our stay and read session we went to see all the other children in the hall. 

For the rest of the morning we did all sorts of reading activities. We looked at our favourite books we brought in. We read magic words and made words disappear. We had some special helpers from Mr Wood’s class to help our brains with word matching, reading and making lego words.

After play we went on a musical bear hunt. We took instruments with us to make the swishy swishy, splash splosh and stumble trip noises. It was brilliant. 

You can watch it here with the actual write Michael Rosen reading it. We’re going on a bear hunt

Glebe farm visit

This afternoon we walked over to the farm to gather information For our topic and learn about farm shops and farm animals. 

First we went into the shop to see what they were selling. 

Then we gave Hannah the money for our animal food bags and tractor ride and set off to the tractor. 

We spotted the lamas, ponies and the church. 

After the tractor ride we got to feed tge animals. Thete was cows, pifs, goays, donkeys, chickens abnd new baby lambs. 

We were very lucky because they let us feed the baby lambs.

onmoyrbway back to school we fed the lamas. 

It was a great hour spent at the farm and we came back with some good ideas for our farm. 

Thank you to all those mummies who came to help. We hope you enjoyed it too. 😃

Mystery reader- Mrs Heathcote

After our visit to the farm, Miss Irwin heard those bells again. It was time for another mystery reader. 

We went to Percy’s shed and opened the door and we found Mrs Heathcote.  She’d brought with her ‘ The scarecrows wedding’ written by Julia Donaldson. .

It was about two scarecrows very much in love who were planning their wedding. One day Harry gets lost collecting things for the wedding and the farmer replaces him with another scarecrow. 

But Betty doesn’t like him because he’s not very nice and all she wants to do is marry Harry. 

It was a very good story and we all listened very well. For Works book day the teachers were dressing up as characters from the scarecrows wedding. So now we know who they will be. 

Thank you Mrs Heathcotes for coming to read to us. 😀

Money, money, money

This morning we found a note from the fairy saying she’d  hidden some money outside for us. We looked all over for it. Edit look…We’ve found it! 

We also found some in the water. We found out some real money is magnetic! 

After playtime we practised recognising our coins by colouring our coins in the correct colour and talking about them with our friends. 

We finished our sheets, put them in our bags and brought them home. At home we can cut them out and use them to practise with. 

How you can help us at home

  1. Discuss the colours and shapes of the coins. 
  2. Talk about the value of the coins. 
  3. Hide the coins and us to find the correct ones.
  4. Use real money in every day situations to get us used to remembering the coins. 

Thank you 😃

Dear Parents, 

I would like to say a very big thank you for your attendance at Parents Evenings. As always your continued support in your children’s learning is grately appreciated. 

All the extra help at home is really helping to make this cohort one of the most successful yet. Keep up the good work and remember  “Practise makes perfect”. 

Next parents evening will be to discuss transition to the national curriculum and year 1. With also time to reflect and discuss their first year at school with their Early Years report. 

I appologise for the lack of blog posts this week. Its very long days with parents evening and I do struggle to keep my brain awake for blogging. But I will hopefully be able to catch you up ASAP. 

Kind regards

Miss Irwin