Back to school with a bang! πŸŒ‹

Today we came back to school full of excitement and raring to go. We started by learning our new sound ‘r’ it’s so easy to do! Why not get us to show you how we can write it in words like rat and robot.

We also started learning about ‘flat 2D shapes’. Our job this week is to spot different shapes around our school. Like this rectangle we found outside.

Just before lunch we learnt about how dinosaurs might have died, there were lots of different ideas. We looked in books and learnt that maybe Volcanoes might have exploded and killed some dinosaurs!

To find out what this might have looked liked we did a science experiment. We mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar and a bit of fairy liquid and food colouring. It was supposed to bubble and froth up but the vinegar lid didn’t stay in the bottle when Miss Irwin squeezed it! All the vinegar shot out which created an explosion! We all screamed with excitement because it went everywhere! It was so awesome! In the afternoon we tried to redo the same experiment but it didn’t explode as much when we did it! It was fun getting messy though. 

Hello 2016 and DinosaursΒ 

Well lets just say it felt like a shock to the system getting up this morning. When we arrived at school this morning we all looked a bit tired. Soon though the cobwebs were blown away and we were back into the swing of things.

Today was the first day for our new Teaching Assistant Miss Sherliker. We showed her round and some of us got to work with her and show her how big our brains are. She’s really nice. πŸ˜€

Some of us ventured into the new role-play ‘The Dinosaur information  Library’.It had all sorts of things to look at that will help us to start our topic on dinosaurs. 

After playtime we showed Miss Irwin how much we remembered about our 2D shapes. We remembered they were flat shapes with sides and corners. Some of us could remember all the shapes we’d learnt so far.

To show how good our memories were we played 2D shape bingo.   

 Some of us won prizes. β­οΈπŸ‘
This afternoon was P.E. We played a game called ‘Dinosaur eggs’. We learnt that Dinosaurs layed eggs then they had to protect them from carnivore Dinosaurs. 

In our game some of us were protecting eggs while others tried to steal them. We had to use lots of different skills such as stealth, quickness and deception. We also had to learn that sometimes we don’t always win and that its ok to loose. As loosing makes you try harder next time. Some of the sneakiest Dinosaurs were the boys but Miss Irwin was pretty good too.    

We could play this game at home if you will let us, we know all the rules and you don’t even need real eggs! It’s very easy and definitely great fun. 

2D Shape games, netball skills and balloon spotting

Monday morning we continued with our 2D shape learning. To show what we had learnt last week in maths we played shape bingo, played name the shape, made playdoh shapes and matched shapes to their names.

In the afternoon we had P.E. We have been learning how to throw and catch balls, doing bounce passes and throwing into nets.

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After playtime we were lined up to come inside and then we heard something strange. A hot air balloon floated in front of us into the sky. We shouted and jumped about in excitement. So much so we decided to run up to the field and follow it. The man shouted hello at us.

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Who knew you could fit so much into a day of learning!

2D shapes

This week in maths we have been learning our 2 dimensional shapes. We have learnt they are flat shapes. We know their names

  • circle
  • triangle
  • square
  • rectangle
  • pentagon
  • hexagon
  • octagon

We also know that these shapes have magic numbers. A circle has 1 because it has 1 side all the way around it. A triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners, so it’s magic number is 3. Squares and rectangles have 4 corners and sides, there magic number to remember is 4. We know a rectangle has 2 long and 2 short sides, that’s how we don’t get it mixed up with a square. Pentagons look like a house with a roof and have 5 sides and corners. Hexagons have an x in the word just like the letter 6- and a hexagon has six sides and corners. An octagons has eight sides and corners and we remember it like an Octopus with 8 arms.

We have been on shape hunts around school looking for 2d shapes. We have made shape monsters which will be on display on our working wall very soon.



2D Shapes

Before half term Class Jonah briefly learnt about 2D shapes.

We learnt that:

  • 2D shapes were flat.
  • That they had sides.
  • Some are called circles, squares, triangles, pentagons, hexagons, heptagonsΒ andΒ octagons.

We will be going back to look at shapes again in the future but we just can’t stop watching our favourite shape songs. So Miss Irwin thought she would share them with you so we can sing them at home too.


If we want to be really clever and show how on fire our brains are, we can tell you the difference between 2D shapes and 3D shapes.