Number practise, Super powered Chameleons and a Mystery Reader! 

As part of our morning challenge we have been writing numbers as high as we can go!  Look what some of us can do all on our own! 
This week in our topic we have been learning about Reptiles. We have learnt they

  • Lay eggs
  • Have scales
  • Are cold blooded
  • Live in hot places
  • Have 4 legs or no legs
  • Have a back bone

 Today we focussed on Chameleons. We watched a reptile video then a Chameleon video and recorded key information about the reptile. We learnt a Chameleon has 3 super powers

  1. It can look two different ways with its eyes.
  2. It’s tongue is 1 1/2 times bigger than its body.
  3. Some of them can make themselves invisible by changing colour.

For our arts and craft activity this week we are making chameleons.

After playtime Miss Irwin heard some magical bells. She could hear a Mystery reader coming. It was HAW! 

He brought ‘The smartest giant in town’ written by Julia Donaldson. He read it very well and we loved the story especially when his trousers fell down! 

Thanks H for being our Mystery reader. 

Back to school with Animals on our minds

We all came back to school today looking taller and definitely with bigger brains. Miss Irwin says she thinks we’ve been eating brain food- she’s seen mummies buying it in Tesco!

This morning we started with an assembly where Mr O’Leary introduced a special lady from Microsoft called Mandeep. She was here to help us start our ICT week. We have borrowed some cool tablets and at some point in the week all children in school will get to play and use them. Miss Irwin explained this week all classes had to use technology to create a project that they will be able to show on Friday afternoon to the rest of the school. In our class we have decided some of us would like to make an information video story. So watch this space.

Our new topic is ‘Animals’ and we have planned some things we would like to do and written some questions we would like to answer. The first thing on the list was to make our role-play with Miss Kippen. As you can see there were a lot of injured animals that visited the vets today.

Have you heard about the new Pet Shop opening in Astbury?

For our new topic we said we wanted a Pet shop. So ‘Jonah’s Pet shop’ will soon be opening its doors to customers.

To help make our Pet Shop more realistic we are asking if you have any of the following we can use:

  • Cuddly animals pets-cats, dogs, rabbits etc
  • Pet toys
  • Pet beds
  • cages
  • empty food packages
  • bowls

If you do have anything we can use, please can you bring it in after half term. Make sure your things are labelled with your name.
