Magical flying Reindeer dust!

What as hock we got today when Mrs Cameron came after lunch with a parcel for us from Father Christmas!
The letter said he’d been watching us and had sent us a present for being good. He had sent us a bottle of magical flying Reindeer dust!

The letter said we had to mix the dust with porridge so that the reindeer would eat it as a snack. If we sprinkle it outside our houses they will smell it and fly to us, then when they eat it, it will help them to keep flying around the world to give all the other boys and girls presents!

So we set to making some Reindeer food with Miss Irwin. We mixed the porridge and dust together and out it in our reindeer packets that we made.

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We also made some Christmas decorations for our Family with Miss Bono.
Christmas was well and truly in Class Jonah this afternoon.
our Reindeer food is in our bags and our Christmas decorations and cards will be coming home tomorrow.

P.E Basketball skills with Mr Wood

On Monday we practised our throwing and catching skills from this term with basketballs. Last week we learnt about how to throw and catch with a basketball and we learnt we could dribble…not with our mouths. It means to bounce and move with the ball it’s called dribbling.
This week we were practising our skills by bouncing the ball into hoops over to our partners, then without hoops. After that we had a go at dribbling a basketball to our partner across the hall.

Then we played the basketball statue game again. We were much better this week, some of us could even go around a statue without loosing our basketball.
At the end of our lesson we should Mr Wood our basketball skills because he is a wonderful basketball player. He was very impressed with us. Then he showed us some of his skills and tricks. We were very impressed. 🙂
Thanks Mr Wood.

Watch how he tricks us with the ball.

Class Jonah ask for homework books!!

Its true families! The other day in class one of us found some notebooks in our writing draws and we started to write in them. We asked Miss Irwin if we could take them home and do homework in them! Miss Irwin was obviously very pleased at our enthusiasm so she got us some old exercise books from the storeroom and now we all have ‘homework book’s we can practise our writing and number work in. We have been using them in class and have been sharing our work with each other!

Miss Irwin has not set us any homework, we are just doing work with out being asked because we want to!

In Class Jonah we don’t do formalised homework like the other classes do. However, Miss Irwin is now thinking of new ways we could do homework in books as we seem so excited about it! Until Miss Irwin comes up with a plan and puts it into action. Please help us if we are doing work in them because it will only make our brains bigger. We can bring our books in and show our work and we are allowed to use them at choosing time to do work in too.

Miss Irwin is so impressed with us she can’t believe how grown up we all are. 🙂

Newsletter 13.12.13

Dear Parents,

What a busy week we have had! Our nativity and practises took up most of the beginning of the week and it was worth all our hard work because we really enjoyed showing you our Nativity story and we think you  liked it as much as we did! This week we have also learnt our new sound diagraph ‘th’ and when we say this sound we stick our tongue out between our teeth we are trying not to get it confused with ‘f’ when we bite our lip.

As well as being fantastic actors we have also been writing our letters to Father Christmas and showing him how good our super sentences are. We sent them in the post and he wrote back to us! His letter magically appeared in the Christmas tree, we don’t know how they got their it’s a mystery! He replied to all our questions we asked him and we learnt some amazing facts about him and the Elves. Did you know that Ftaher Christmas has special magical flying powder that he sprinkles on the reindeer to help them fly and that this year he has 3,754 Elves working in the Christmas village making presents!

Next week will only have 4 days of school! On Monday and Tuesday we are going to be working on our number skills in the mornings and our reading skills in the afternoon. In number we will be practising estimating and counting to check amounts.  Miss Irwin and Miss Kippen want to see how good we are at reading our high frequency words. We will also be making our Christmas crafts in the workshop.

How you can help at home

  • Help us with our high frequency words by reading them or putting them in silly sentences. Our aim is to be able to read them by sight because if we know them we can just say them.
  • Practising saying and writing our new diagraph ‘th’. Play eye spot and see if we can spot ‘th’ in words around us.


On Wednesday we are going to church in the morning for our church service. We can bring our own Christingle to church. Christingles will not be made in school, if you wish to bring them to school please bring them in on Wednesday morning. If your not sure what a christingle is, click here.

Or if you want to know how to make a Christingle please click here.

On Wednesday afternoon we will be having our Christmas class party which we have written down our ideas for. We do not need party clothes.

Wednesday after school is the school Christmas Disco! santaskate

On Thursday we will be having songs around the Christmas tree and you are welcome to come and join us.

Have a nice weekend, only 12 more sleeps!

Miss Irwin and Miss Kippen




Letters to Father Christmas

On Friday we were able to finish writing our letters to Father Christmas with all our wonderfully insightful questions in.
We went to the post box again and posted them.

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In the afternoon Mrs Armitt was teaching us and we noticed a letter had appeared in the tree. It was Father Christmas! He had already read our letters and replied to us! He sent us a sheet with his answers on. We were very happy with our answers and learnt a lot of new things about Father Christmas.

Away in a Manger finishes in style!

On Wednesday afternoon we finished our Nativity in style. It was in a much colder barn and with a few adlibbed lines, but we managed to show all the other people which came to see us how much we enjoyed our Nativity and how brave we all were.

Miss Irwin would like to thank everybody who helped –  all the children in class Jonah, class Jacob, the choir, all the teaching staff who assisted especially Miss Kippen and Mrs Williams. With a special mention to all our wonderful helpers that assisted with the costumes, set, mince pies, drinks and moving of children to the barn.

Christmas Lunch

Thursday was our Christmas dinner in the hall with crackers and yummy stuffing and brussel sprouts. We had Christmas music and crackers. A great first Christmas Dinner at Astbury.

Work for Father Christmas

In class Jonah this ,morning we’ve been working really, really hard to show Father Christmas how good we are. His light has been flashing on us all morning from the North Pole.

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Some of us did baking with Mrs Holford, making mince pies. Some of us practised writing our questions marks for our questions for Santa. others wrote our letters to Santa asking our questions, our questions were very insightful. Ellie and Eva us wanted to know how he got his letters and who’s house he was going to this Christmas?


Outside we made a sleigh to deliver presents and inside we worked in the workshop wrapping presents.

We practised our reading in phonics with our ch and sh sounds and learnt our new sound ‘th’. we used word cards with sound buttons on and swopped with people around the classroom.


We think Father Christmas will be very impressed! 🙂

Away in a Manger is a hit!

After our dress rehearsal yesterday, we were all fired up ready to put our costumes on again!

This afternoon we had a selection of of family members come to see the show. We showed them all our fantastic singing, dancing and acting skills.

We had lots of applause and everybody said how well we all did.

We cant wait to-do the same tomorrow and we hope to sell more of our home made mince pies and drinks, to raise money for our classroom.