Reading is a life skill ðŸ“š

Dear Parents, 

You might have seen this tub in the classroom the last few mornings. It’s for the children’s reading books. Parents and children need to put reading books and reading diaries in the tub if they need changing. 

We have been trying to encourage the children to put their books in when they have read them twice. They need assistance with this so I am asking that you help them to do this in the morning when you enter school. Doing this will enable staff to change books quicker and save time.

I would also like to praise those parents who are reading regularly with their child. 35% of children in the class read regularly (3 times a week minimum) and these children have moved up 2 or 3 book bands in the last term. This is a credit to the support their parents are giving them. Well done 😀. 

I regularly check how often children read at home. I will soon be arranging meetings with parents who have not read with their child to find out if there is a way I can support them with improving reading at home. 

To support reading skills at home I will be hosting a ‘stay and read’ session at the end of May. More details will follow soon. I really want to help you to encourage your children to have a love of reading. As their teacher it is extremely important to me that your children develop their reading to a high level as reading is a life skill.


I look forward to seeing books in the tub.

Kind regards

Miss Irwin

“Libraries are fun!”

Who knew! Well Miss Irwin already knew libraries were fun and that’s why she took us down there today with Miss Kippen, Ellie’s Grandma, Henry’s Grandma, Georgette’s mummy, Maddie’s mummy and Evie’s mummy.

We went to meet Holly and Ann who told us all about the Library. They told us what we could take such as books. We can take out 10 books and borrow them for 3 weeks! We can also take out talking books, information books, dvd’s and music cd’s.

one of the information books they showed us was life size zoo, which everybody thought was amazing. Charlottes eyes almost popped out of her head and Miss Irwin found her favourite animal a Giraffe.

Ann read us a story “The highway Rat” written by Julia Donaldson, one of our favourite authors.

Then we sang some songs. The Wheels on the bus, Cows in the kitchen, wobble, wobble and 5 little men in a flying saucer.

Holly read us a book called “Keith the cat with a magic hat “, written by Sue Hendra.

The we learnt more about the library by having a walk around. You can look at all sorts of books for all types of things. We found comic books for teenagers, history books for older people, cooking books for Miss Irwin, old photos and maps of Congleton and Astbury.

You can use the computers in the library. We learnt how to take our books out on the machine by using our cards and where to go if we have a problem or need to pay to take something out. You can even go and read papers. Our grandma and Granddads can even go to the library and read big print books if their eyes can’t read small print books.

After our tour we all got to choose a book to take out and to take home.

We really enjoyed our Library visit and on the way back to the car we found the Police station where Julia is from and we had our photo taken while Miss Kippen went in and asked for free stuff for our Role-play!


Thank you to the helpers who came today.

Reading books

This week we will be coming home with reading books. Please support us to read these at home.

Reading is fun and we are just getting used to recognising the letters and putting them together. To enjoy reading its a good idea to just flick through the book and enjoy it first. Then to look at a couple of pages a time and try and blend the letters to make words.

Key things we can do with our reading at home:
•Look at the pictures and describe what’s happening.
•Look at the letters we’ve learnt at school and see if we can blend them together to read words, using our robot arms!
• Can we retell the story to you?
• Talk about our favourite bits or what we liked?
• Do we have any questions about it?

Reading books are to be supportive to our learning at school. Books should be read at least twice. Every time we read at home we need to write in our reading diary, with a comment about what we could do or maybe what we needed support with.

Soon you will all get introduced to bugclub and your online reading books. So watch this space. 🙂




Mystery Reader






In January we will be starting Mystery Reader.

What is a Mystery Reader?

A Mystery reader is somebody from our families; mummy, daddy, a grandparent, auntie, uncle, big sister or brother, or even the next door neighbour, who signs up to come and read one afternoon at story time. But only Miss Irwin knows who it is!

They bring a story book of their choice and they read it to the class.


How do our adults sign up to be a mystery reader?

Miss Irwin has put a sign up sheet on the parents notice board. All you need to do is sign your initials on the date you can do.


Mystery Reader will be every Wednesday at 2.50pm.


Remember its a SECRET!