It’s looking a bit fishy!

Our topic plan this term was to learn more about animals with the focus on sea animals. In our first week back at school we have been learning about fish. We watched many YouTube videos about fish and learnt about their gills and fins. However, it just didn’t seem real enough! 

So what better way to learn about fish than for us to actually look and touch them. As you can imagine some of us welcomed the challenge and some of us faced a fear of touching something new and unknown! 

A great first Sunday for the ducklings☀️🐣

The ducklings had all dried out by mid-morning. Now almost 1 day old they were ready to start exploring.

First they met George and Buddy.They were a bit scary! So they ran away.

Then they had a play in the sunshine.☀️They kept eating and drinking alot. They were so hungry they even tried to have some of Stuart’s breakfast! 🙀

After eating they did some paperwork by helping Miss Irwin with her planning. 👏🏼Then this afternoon they went to play at Mrs Irwin’s house and met some new friends.

After a busy first day it was early to bed as its their first day at school tomorrow.

Night night. 

Number practise, Super powered Chameleons and a Mystery Reader! 

As part of our morning challenge we have been writing numbers as high as we can go!  Look what some of us can do all on our own! 
This week in our topic we have been learning about Reptiles. We have learnt they

  • Lay eggs
  • Have scales
  • Are cold blooded
  • Live in hot places
  • Have 4 legs or no legs
  • Have a back bone

 Today we focussed on Chameleons. We watched a reptile video then a Chameleon video and recorded key information about the reptile. We learnt a Chameleon has 3 super powers

  1. It can look two different ways with its eyes.
  2. It’s tongue is 1 1/2 times bigger than its body.
  3. Some of them can make themselves invisible by changing colour.

For our arts and craft activity this week we are making chameleons.

After playtime Miss Irwin heard some magical bells. She could hear a Mystery reader coming. It was HAW! 

He brought ‘The smartest giant in town’ written by Julia Donaldson. He read it very well and we loved the story especially when his trousers fell down! 

Thanks H for being our Mystery reader. 


 So we came back to school today amd our brains have definitely grown. Miss Irwin said she could tell because we were so good at listening and getting on with our work.

Our new topic is Animals. We have loads of ideas for our new topic. This week we are using our information books to research about different animals and plan what we want to learn about them. 

 We have also started to make our new role play ‘Astbury Vets’. This morning we have been making some cages and seeing what equipment a vet needs.

  We have also been playing with our new farm set which was donated by Mrs Ashun last term.

 Some of us have said we have pets that we would like to bring in. This might be possible depending on the pet. If we have a pet at home and want to bring it in parents need to speak to Miss Irwin. 

This afternoon we started our P.E for this term which is dance. We are starting to learn our routine for May Day. We practised skipping and counting to 8. We then practised a few moves in our sets. We were very good.



Today we came back to school to our new topic of farming. We had a look at our new Farm shop and farm outside and got straight into our new responsibilities of mucking out, making duck ponds and obviously shopping. 

There were a few stray sheep we had to keep our eyes on! The lack of money in the til was a bit of a problem. 

After playtime we had heard the Feiry had flown into the play ground. We went to see if not was true and found money scattered all around the place! She’d heard we had no money for the shop and had brought us some! Our target this week in maths is to learn about coins and what they look like and how to use them in the shop. 

This afternoon we started our new P.E subject- a Rugby 😃 . We got to learn how to play tag rugby by wearing Velcro belts and tags. It was awesome, we loved it. 

Animal Day antics

What a day we have had…

it started with us all coming into school dressed as animals. We came as all sorts of mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians. Can you guess what we were?


Then after we’d seen each other we went for a walk around our environment to find all the cool animals Charlotte Beardmore had leant us. We had a real size Tiger, some Giraffes (which some of us were extra excited about) and a zebra. Outside we had our zoo set up and Maddie’s Diego toys. We also had a game to throw balls in the lion and monkeys mouth and animal playdoh near the Zoo shop and café.

Inside Miss Irwin was face painting, Aliesha was helping us finish our animal handprints and there was an animal writing table too. Outside in the zoo we luckily had some zoo keepers to keep an eye on some wondering Tigers and we had lots of people making animal chocolate pies and water bowls in the mud kitchen for the zoo animals.


By lunchtime we were ready to go and scare Alison with our newly painted faces and arms and to eat some animal food! grrr

in the afternoon we had some animal games. We started with describe the animal. We had to describe the animal in the bag and see if our friends could correctly guess what it was to win a prize. Then we had animal bingo where we could win a prize for a line for a full house, followed by waft the fish.

Then we sat down for some animal snacks before our special visitor arrived.

Charlotte came into our classroom and she had brought some puppets, music and bubbles. We got to learn sign and songs-like Old MacDonald and five little monkeys. We had to try and make the monkeys jump really high on the bed, it was awesome!

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Charlotte also taught us the sign for our favourite animals and then she blew us some magical bubbles around the classroom. She was extremely kind and gave Miss Irwin some bubbles for us.

After Charlotte went we went outside for some animal playtime before going home.

What a fun packed animal day we have had.