Animal Day antics

What a day we have had…

it started with us all coming into school dressed as animals. We came as all sorts of mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians. Can you guess what we were?


Then after we’d seen each other we went for a walk around our environment to find all the cool animals Charlotte Beardmore had leant us. We had a real size Tiger, some Giraffes (which some of us were extra excited about) and a zebra. Outside we had our zoo set up and Maddie’s Diego toys. We also had a game to throw balls in the lion and monkeys mouth and animal playdoh near the Zoo shop and café.

Inside Miss Irwin was face painting, Aliesha was helping us finish our animal handprints and there was an animal writing table too. Outside in the zoo we luckily had some zoo keepers to keep an eye on some wondering Tigers and we had lots of people making animal chocolate pies and water bowls in the mud kitchen for the zoo animals.


By lunchtime we were ready to go and scare Alison with our newly painted faces and arms and to eat some animal food! grrr

in the afternoon we had some animal games. We started with describe the animal. We had to describe the animal in the bag and see if our friends could correctly guess what it was to win a prize. Then we had animal bingo where we could win a prize for a line for a full house, followed by waft the fish.

Then we sat down for some animal snacks before our special visitor arrived.

Charlotte came into our classroom and she had brought some puppets, music and bubbles. We got to learn sign and songs-like Old MacDonald and five little monkeys. We had to try and make the monkeys jump really high on the bed, it was awesome!

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Charlotte also taught us the sign for our favourite animals and then she blew us some magical bubbles around the classroom. She was extremely kind and gave Miss Irwin some bubbles for us.

After Charlotte went we went outside for some animal playtime before going home.

What a fun packed animal day we have had.




Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Its been a bear day today in class Jonah.

We made bear masks and had to write about our bears this morning. We had to write down facts about our bears-like their name, how big they were and what they liked doing with us.

Then this afternoon joined by Class Moses we went onto Jon’s lawn and had a Teddy Bears Picnic. We had teddy bear games. We had to throw up our teddy bears on parachutes and had a competition with class Moses to see who could throw there’s the highest. Then we had musical bumps with our bears to bear pop music!

finishing with a bear race-where we had to carry the bears between our legs to the finish line without dropping them. Then we went on a bear hunt to find a bear so we could have our Teddy bears Picnic.

After our picnic we had a ply on the lawn. It was a lovely afternoon and we really enjoyed spending time with Class Moses and Mrs Hodder.

Thank you to all the mummies and daddies who came to join us and help in our fun.

Same again next year we think 🙂

Note from Miss Irwin

Dear Parents,

I would like to say thank you to all of those parents who have already given any feedback or comments on the children’s reports, as this is the first year I have used this online report system.

I have been coagulating the children’s information on Fingertips. Fingertips is an online assessment program which allows for more in-depth reports to be calibrated throughout the year. The report includes children’s attainment in every area of learning and importantly in their style of learning through the characteristics of effective learning.

Your input is vital and extremely valid to me as a teacher and I welcome any critique you would like to share about this reporting process. As always your communication is always welcome and valued to help improve Reception at Astbury. Please feel free to come and see myself about any questions or queries you may have about your child’s report.

If you would like further clarification on the details of Early Learning Goals please see the documents below, as it clearly outlines your child’s expectations in relation to their age.

All of the children in class this year are working within the Early Learning Goals which is extremely good and shows how bright this cohort is. All children were levelled under these categories:-
Emerging -showing ability in some aspects of the early learning goal
Expected– working at their expected age level and completing most if not all of the early learning goal.
Exceeding-have completed the early learning goal and are working towards year 1 targets.
Development matters also outlines all the criteria needed for age stage ability and gives suggestions of support that can be provided by adults and the surrounding environments.

If you have time to share your views or would like to email me your comments please do.
I hope to see you all at the production next week.
Kind regards
Miss Irwin

Year 1’s and Duck dancing!

This morning we got to go and see Mrs Hodder again in Class Moses. We got to finish all our display work ready for September, we had some circle time getting to know each other and then we learnt why our new class name was Moses and learnt a little bit about the story of Moses.


This afternoon we were learning our duck dance for Wind in the Willows. We had competitions between boys and girls dancers and scored each other on our score cards. So far the girls are winning but with practise we think the boys maybe able to beat the girls, watch this space.

Tomorrow we will be seeing Mrs Hodder in the morning then coming back to class in the afternoon for more duck dancing!

Turning into Year 1’s-Day 2

Well Miss Irwin was quite shocked this afternoon when we all came back to class after a full day in Year 1 because we actually had started behaving like Year 1’s and some of us even said that we didn’t want to come back to Class Jonah because we are too big for Reception now!

Miss Irwin knew this day would eventually come but she did remind us that she was still Class Jonah’s teacher until Wednesday 23rd at 3.20pm.

Today in class with Mrs Hodder we planned our new topic for September which is going to be ‘To the rescue’, we came up with some ideas of the 999 services and superheroes. We also got to play parachute games with Mrs Hodder. We painted our faces for our new display and explored what will be our new outside area.

A great day for all us new Year 1’s. Tomorrow we will be going up to Mrs Hodder in the morning and back to Miss Irwin to practise for the summer concert in the afternoon.

Practising being Year 1’s- Day 1

phase 5 sound mat image

Today we started the day with Miss Irwin. She told us what was going to happen for the rest of the day and this week. We learnt we were going to Year 1 to meet Mrs Hodder.

First we did our phonics with Miss Irwin, where we recapped all of our alternative ee sounds from phase 5. We tried to remember-ea, e-e, ey and y. Miss Irwin didn’t think we could do it but we could all remember most of them, we could read them in words and even write them in words. WOW!


Miss Irwin said she could tell our Year 1 brains were ready. After playtime we went to our new classroom- which meant we were class Moses for the rest of the day. With Mrs Hodder we came up with things that were going to make us amazing – like our new class rules. Then we started some writing which will make our first display. We also had a chance to plays some games too with our new class mates. Next Year’s Class size will be 29 as we will be mixing with some Year 2 children.

When we came back to Miss irwin we all said how we felt the day had gone, some of us are still unsure but we are going to try a few more days to see what we think!

Tomorrow we will spend the whole day with Mrs Hodder as Class Moses.



Move up week

On Monday 7th July we start our move up week. This is when we go into our new classrooms with our new teachers for next year. We are going up to meet Mrs Hodder for 2 whole days- Monday, Tuesday and then for Wednesday and Thursday morning.

We will learn what it is like in Year 1, what our new classroom rules will be and think of some ideas for our new topic in September. We are all very excited about having a go at being Year 1’s.

We will still come into to school into our classroom and go home from our classroom. Miss irwin will be around keeping a sneaky eye on us too.

Don’t forget sports day is on Friday morning (fingers crossed for the weather) . P.E kits to be worn and we can have lunch with our families on the field afterwards.