Outside phonics and Beebots      

On Thursday we went outside to phonics. We practised our s and a sound (phoneme) . We used water bottles, paint brushes, chalks and had letter hunts.


 It wa very exciting!

We remembered the letter formations. Can you tell?    

After playtime we learnt what’s Beebot is.  

  It’s a robot. We learnt robots are like us because we are human beings. We can use our own brains, Robots can not use their own brains unless we put orders into its brain to work. The buttons on the top of the Beebot tell it which way to go. We learnt how to make it move and how to clear its brain to give it new instructions. Then we got to have a go with our friends.

In the afternoon we met Mrs Oakes our French teacher. She said hello to us in French and we practised it with her. Then she did choosing with us to get to know all about us.

While we were choosing we also got to start making our shark hats with Mrs Hamilton. 


French cafe and building walls

This morning in phonics we worked on our blends at the beginning of words. Such as St, ch, th , the, star, bl, br, tr and had a go at writing words and spelling them with blends in. 

If we say the words slowly and think about what our mouth is doing it helps us to write down all the letters in the blend. 

Maybe we could try sounding out and writing some of these words at home! 

Tree, three, blend, spend, trip, skip, creep, sleep. 

We did also do some secret stuff which we can’t tell you about. But during secret work time some of us did find time to build some walls.
After lunch we had French with Mrs Oakes and she opened up her cafe again. This week she was selling ‘pain au chocolate’ . We had to colour in and cut our euros to go and buy the food in the shop. We used hello, thank you, please and many more French words we’ve remembered from over the last year. 
After playtime we did some year 1 writing in year 1 books for Mrs Hodder, she’s going to be so impressed! 😀 but don’t tell her it’s a surprise! 

Duck eggs, food tasting and building houses.

No we haven’t lost our marbles. It is true. We are incubating duck eggs in the hope some may hatch to give us ducklings! 😃 

We got them last Thursday but we needed to check the incubators worked before we got too excited. But the good news it is. So now we can start to count down the days until their arrival. We are not allowed to touch the eggs, but we can look at them and check to see if the temperature is ok. So watch this space.

This last two days we have also been completing our targets of recognising coins. Here we are finding them in the bubbles. We have all tried really hard to remember all the different coins. We all got our targets. Yey! 

This afternoon we had french with Mrs Oakes and learnt the names for all the people from the Enormous Turni in French. We could tell you about them as our pictures are in our bags. 

After playtime Miss Irwin told us we had a suprise, we love surprises. The Thing is it wasnt really a good suprise for some of us! 

It was taste testing with the story Oliver’s  Vegetables. We had to try spinach…



EditSweet peas

and Rhubarb. Some of us liked them all. 


Some of us didn’t. But we tried them all, which Miss Irwin was very proud of us all for because If you don’t try you don’t know! 

For the rest of the afternoon most of us were on a mission to build some tree houses. 

French with Mrs Plant


That’s right we have been learning these words and what they mean.

Mrs plant told us to be good at foreign languages we had to have good looking eyes, good listening ears and good mouths to talk with.


We had to massage our faces to help us use different muscles in our faces.



Then Mrs Plant taught us the French words meaning to look, listen and repeat. We got to play games in teams.




Then we made some French flags.