Eggs and nests.

We have been looking at photos of dinosaur egg fossils. Did you know some were as long as 16cm long. We measured it against our arms.

To understand how big some dinosaur nests we used a book. We read that nests were a similar size to a car. So we went outside to measure a car. Mrs Cross’s car to be precise.

Then we measured it again in the classroom. Miss Irwin drew around our circle for the nest then we pretended to be dinosaur eggs and  hatched out like baby dinosaurs. An Ovitapyor could have had up to 25 eggs in its nest! 

We used the dinosaur information book to find out how big some baby dinosaurs could have grown.

To see how long an Antarcosaurus actually was we went outside to measure it on the playground. 

This is how it might have looked on our playground.

Sunny days makes learning so much fun😀☀️

Today we’ve been inside and outside a lot. It’s hot outside and cool inside, its great fun. Look what we’ve been doing during our exploring time…Making a Lego city …

 Camping out!

Mixing up some yummy porridge cakes!   
Practising our balancing and fine motor skills.

Also we have been checking on our duck eggs.
Yes that’s right we have an incubator in the classroom with 8 green call duck eggs inside.

On Monday we put eggs in the incubator and learnt about how the incubator keeps them warm to hatch out. We don’t know if there is any ducklings inside yet, we’ve gotta wait til next week to see.

We turn the eggs three times a day. Miss Irwin turns them in the morning and at night. We have to remember to turn them after lunch. Today we started to write things that we wanted to learn about the eggs when they (hopefully) hatch.🐣 

We’ve also been practising our new sound ‘ear’ for fear, tear, near and we have been practising our May Day dancing. 

Dinosaur nests

This week in our topic we are learning about dinosaur eggs and nests. We learnt from our information books that dinosaur eggs were as big as 25cm to 45cm long. We also learnt that dinosaurs could have up to 25 eggs in a nest to look after. This means that the dinosaur’s nests must have been pretty big, but how big?

Miss Irwin read the information and it said the nest could be as big as a car. So we went outside to measure Miss Irwin’s car.

To measure the car we realised rulers and metre sticks wouldn’t work, they were too small. So we measured it with ourselves. We all held hands and could fit around the car in one big circle. 

To make the circle inside we held hands in a circle and stretched out. Then we put chairs where we stood to mark the circle. We then pretended to be baby dinosaurs in the eggs in the nest. Miss Irwin was the mummy dinosaur .


It was great fun! 

Egg diaries: day 22

Wow! What an amazing 24 hours we’ve had in Class Jonah!

From cracks in eggs to full blown chick hatching action! ( video online soon ASAP)
At the end of Tuesday we had 1 baby chick hatch as we all went home!
By Wednesday morning we had 3 babies. Look how they have grown.

Today we have 8 babies and more in hatching.
We all had a hold today and we can’t help but love them very much!














All our writing and phonics has been all about our chicks today and we even sang the alphabet song to them! They loved it!

Fingers crossed our new arrivals will be safe and well in the morning!

Egg diaries day 21! Due date!

Wow what an exciting day back after the bank holiday! We looked in the incubator to find a crack in one of the eggs and there was a chirping coming from inside!
We all had a look!




















Everybody has been coming in our classroom waiting to see if the chicks are here! It’s such an exciting time! Hopefully the chick will be out of its shell tomorrow when we come in!

Egg Diaries; Day 14 Egg candling!

Today a lady called Hayley came to visit us. She is Miss Irwin’s friend who helped get some of the eggs for hatching.

Hayley came to show us how to see if the eggs had chicks inside by using a special torch. We had to turn the lights off and use a coat to make it dark around the egg. We were very nervous. Even Mr O’Leary came into to watch!

She shone the torch around the egg shell, if it was bright in the egg there was no chick. If it was dark with a light patch there is a chick inside.





We got very excited when we found out we had some chicks in the eggs.










Some of the eggs we couldn’t tell if they had chicks in because the shell was too thick, so Hayley left them in and we will just have to wait and see!

Now we have only one incubator full of eggs.

Our due date is this coming Wednesday. We are hoping to keep 4 in the new school allotment but will have to find good homes for the others.

Keep watching!

Newsletter Monday 22.4.13


Monday 22nd April




Dear Parents,
We have had a fantastic start to the new term and our new topic Living Things. Before half term we wanted to learn more about the birds and animals we liked. So this week we started to put our plans into action. We have made a bird hide and decorated it. Miss Irwin got some chicken eggs and we put them in an incubator to hopefully hatch some chickens. On Friday we also had some caterpillars delivered that Percy the Park Keeper ordered for us! So now we have butterflies and chickens to look forward to. Our new role-play Pet shop has been very busy and Miss Kippen and Miss Irwin have been putting in a good few shifts on the till!

Our maths targets last week were to learn the different coins and use the correct words for them. Some of us have even been buying things in the shop with the correct coins and have tried adding with the coins. This week we are looking at taking away.

In our writing we have started to write our own version of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. To get our targets we are thinking about writing super sentences and using WOW words. In phonics we have been learning our new sounds, which are new alternative sounds. They sound the same but don’t look the same as ones we’ve already learnt.

Mrs Brammeld has started to plan and collect ideas and materials for our minineast hotel that will also be made up in the Investigation Area. We do however need some pieces of wood, plant pots and oldlastic tubes to make the basics of the hotel. Domyou have anything at home we could have!

How can you help at home?

  • Please practise the new sounds alternate ‘ay’ and split diagraph ‘a_e’
  • Practise forming our letters the correct way.
  • Practise using money in shops.



To encourage writing in our classroom we are looking for exciting ways to write by using writing backpacks and tool belts. If you have any old rucksacks or tool belts that you don’t need anymore please bring them into class Jonah.

Remember the newsletter will not be in paper copy. It will be available on the class blog and on the school website . If you can not access these please let Miss Irwin know.

Miss Irwin thanks everyone for her kind birthday wishes, cards and presents. She is now the very old age of 19!


Summer is here! Enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Irwin, Miss Kippen and Mrs Brammeld