Ducklings: week 2

Hello Class Jonah, I hope your all having a happy half term. It’s Miss Irwin here. I thought I’d give you an update on how the ducklings have been growing since you last saw them.

During Bank Holiday weekend they had a few swims in their green pool.

But as you can see they are starting to splash more!

So After a few days of very wet floors in the house, I decided to give them a chance to have a bigger swim.So they went in the bath!

They loved it! 🙂

Over the last few days they have started to eat and drink much more. In the morning when I wake up they cheap at me until I give them new food and water. They have new water and food every few hours. This means they are growing bigger and also doing a lot more poos and wee’s. Ewwwww!

On Tuesday I went to collect the big blue shells from school and put them in the garden so the ducklings could learn to go for a swim outside.

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At first they weren’t sure of the bright sunshine but they soon got used to swimming in the big blue pool. I made them a ramp to walk and down out of the pool. Their feet slipped on the wood so I wrapped it in bubble wrap and the ducklings loved that. They liked to peck it. They had to be encouraged to walk up the ramp, so I put food on the bubble wrap which trapped the food and made the ducklings walk up it.

Eventually George (who is now the tallest duckling) was brave and walked up to the top and down the other side of the ramp. After a while they all had a go. When they got on to the path in the garden they started to hunt around for food.

After a wander round they played hide and seek in my plants. Can you spot them?


After all the excitement they had a lie down and sunbathing session.

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Hopefully tomorrow we will see if they have remembered how to get up and down the ramp.

Ducklings first week on film

It’s been a busy first week for us. Firstly it took us two days to even get out of our shells, which made us exhausted. Then we did so many new things it’s a good job it was half term on Friday, we needed a holiday.

Day one hatching out! And warming up and drying out.  Learning to eat and drink.  Learning to write.  Having class Jonah clean up our poo and wee.  Having our first swim.  Having lots of power naps.  Getting named.                Our names are unisex names as we don’t know if we are boys or girls yet!

Now we are going to Miss Irwins house for our holiday.

See you soon.

From the ducklings 🐤

Mow Cop Trip

Today we want to Mow Cop castle to see the remains of the folly. 

It was a bit windy but luckily the rain had stopped. 
We all walked around the different parts, looked out at the view and tried to recognise the different parts of the castle.


 Then we sat down to do some drawings of the castle. 


Thank you to all the mummies who came to help today. We couldn’t have gone with out you-  Judah’s mum, Kalebh’s mum, Lucie’s mum and Mrs Hamilton, Miss Sample and Mrs Irwin. 😃

“Aw they are so cute. Are we their mummies?”

 It’s official we have all fallen in love with our ducklings. ❤️ This morning we moved our then 6 ducklings, into their new home for the next few weeks. We put in a comfy bed, food, water and a warm lamp to keep them cosy. We watched them as they got excited and explored their new environment. 



We had a serious chat about who would be their mummy. We all agreed Miss Irwin was the number one mummy but after that we would be all be in charge of taking care of them. Some of us wanted to be daddies as we are boys! 

When we weren’t watching the ducklings we did do some work!

We went outside for a word search Miss Irwin and Mrs Hamilton had made for us. We had to find as any of the 100 high frequency words as possible. We had to tick them off on our sheets.    

            They were all over the place. It was great fun!  
In the afternoon we had French with Mrs Oakes who said were were amazing and had tebeted everything we’d learnt so far. 

Then we looked at out beanstalks, some of them were massive! 

After our beanstalks we were allowed to have a little hold of the ducklings. They were now 1 day old. 

After school Miss a irwin helped another 2 ducklings hatch out. Now we have 8! 

Duck Day

It’s official, they’ve hatched and are still hatching. 

            So far we have 5 ducklings. We have starting making a names list and have spent all day keeping a close eye on them while doing our work. Soon they will go in the cage under a heat lamp and we will be able to hold them. 

May Day costumes and Saturday arrival information. 

Boys costumes will go home on Friday. They must come ready dressed in their costumes. 

Girls Maid dresses will stay in school for them to get changed into when they arrive at school at 12.45. 

All children must arrive at school on Saturday at 12.45 through Miss Irwin’s classroom. The gate will be open at 12.45. There they will be signing in register and then children will be sent to the rooms to get ready. No parents are allowed beyond Miss Irwin’s classroom. 

Parents are best to then get a place ready for viewing the procession, getting a seat in church or a seat on the field at the farm to watch dancing. 

Only Maids mums who have offered help will be allowed to come into school. But they will have to leave before the procession.  

If you are unsure of timings please check the letter on the school website. 

If you are helping on a stall Miss Itwin will have a wrist band for you to wear which gets you free entry.

Mow Cop visit update

  As you are aware Miss Irwin tried to arrange a trip to Mow Cop for today but unfortunately did not have enough help. 

We would still like to try to go before half term. 

Is anybody free next Wednesday afternoon? 

We need 1 or possibly 2 cars with a driver that can hold 2/3 children seats. 

Please let Miss Irwin know ASAP if  can help. 

Raffle ticket collection! 

Yesterday, we had a wonderful surprise when Rachel the play therapist popped into our class. She brought back in one of our class Jonah envelopes. We had posted it through her door on Tuesday. She had read Annabelle’s letter and said she was so impressed she had to buy some raffle tickets! She bought £5 worth! 
We were very pleased. We thought maybe our plan might have worked. 

So today was the moment of truth. We would find out if all our hard work of planning and writing our letters, making our packages and posting all 50+ letters to our neighbours had worked? 

After play we set off on our walk.  

  We found our first envelope  just near the daffodill green.  

 But then not many more for a few doors. It was then we thought maybe people were on holiday, or too busy, or maybe didn’tike raffles! We started to. Have sad faces. 😟

But then…

As we got further down the road and spilt into teams to check different sides of the road we found a few on some door stops, then a few more, then a few more! We were starting to prove our critics wrong! Our bag was getting full!   

We even had people come out and talk to us and chase us to give us their tickets! 

When we got back to school we counted up all the envelopes, we’d collected 30!

We have managed to raise from our letters £138. We are extremely happy and Miss Irwin is very, very proud of us all. 😀

So please help us to raise more money on the raffle by telling everyone how hard we’ve worked, so they might want to buy tickets too! 

Year 1 Maths brains

This last week we have continued to try and use our Year 1 brains by solving addition numbers sentences on our own. We switched our Year 1 brains on last week and Miss Irwin thinks we may have forgotten to turn them off! 

   We’ve been practising our number formation because Miss Irwin told us Mrs Hodder really likes numbers that are written neatly and the correct way. 


Then we’ve practised counting amounts and solving number sentences.       We even tried writing our own!

We have been on teen number hunts to try and remember those tricky ones we forget or say wrong.    

    We’ve even shocked all the teachers- Miss Irwin, Mrs Arkle and Mrs Hamilton with reading big numbers to 100.

We learnt that in double digit numbers, the first number is the ten number and the second number is called a unit (that’s the little number). Try and write us any number to 99 and we can have a go at telling you what it is! You will be amazed!  

        We’ve even all practised working at the same time doing work, just like year 1’s do.    

 We played some maths games with dice. We had a sheet where all the numbers had fallen off, so we had to write them in. We roll the dice and write the number in the box in the number sentence, then roll again and write it in. Then solve the number sentence. It’s great fun! We used Miss Irwin’s special magic stones to find the answers. We could do this at home. 

Next week we are going to see if we can remember how to do subtraction number sentences, we might even try Year 1 number sentences!