A Gruffalo hunt! What’s a Gruffalo hunt?

Today we practised our new sound ‘I’ and finished our first sound card sheets. A copy will be coming home soon so we can use them at home with our families, to support our reading and writing.

After playtime we had a special delivery from Percy. He’d sent us a letter saying he’d made us a Gruffalo hunt! We didn’t know what a Gruffalo hunt was! He explained we needed to find the Gruffalos on the field and there might be a prize at the end. So off we we went.IMG_0075

On our hunt we heard Owl in the tree, saw snakes log pile and found fox’s hole. Then Nathaniel and friends found a parcel. In the Parcel was a Gruffalo! It was a puppet and a small world background. So now we can re-tell the story and play the Gruffalo with our puppets.

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In the afternoon we had French with Mrs Oakes. We learnt to sing bonjour with Albert the French boy.

After French Mrs Armitt read the story of the journey with us. We’ve been learning about journeys in our worship. We thought about journeys we would go on. Our ideas blew Mrs Armitt’s mind!

Tomorrow we plan our food for the Gruffalo picnic. Such busy days we have at school, it’s no wonder our brains are so big and heavy at night when we go to sleep.

Newsletter 6.9.13

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Dear Parents,

Every week we have a newsletter that tells you what we have been doing this week and what we will do next week. Today this newsletter is in paper copy but from next week onwards the newsletter will be on the class blog and on the school website, as we are an Eco school and like to reduce our paper waste.

This week was our first week at school. Day by day we have grown in confidence and become used to our new learning environment. We love that we have so many different things to choose and learn with, we have a sand pit, water, Building Area, Investigation Area and much more. We had a treasure hunt today from Percy which was brilliant and at the end we found chocolate! We really have had a great week. Miss Irwin and Miss Kippen think we have all settled in really well and we are making good friendships already. Apparently we are a very lively class Jonah!

Next week will be our first full week in school and we will be starting our new topic which we planned today! Our new topic as chosen by us is…’. Next week we will also start with our full time table of learning. We will also be having P.E, show and tell and assembly on Friday.

P.E days are Monday and Wednesday. P.E kit is navy bottoms and white top. We suggest shorts and jogging bottoms, as then we can go outside and inside through out the year. It’s also a good idea to have pumps and trainers for the same reason. All P.E clothes are available from the office.

On Thursday morning every week Mrs Armitt covers the class for Miss Irwin’s PPA time and she will be doing Music time and R.E. We met her yesterday and we really like her.

Every day Miss Irwin picks somebody to be her super star of the day and this person gets a badge to wear home and for the next day. It must be returned the next day so it can go to somebody else.

On a Friday Paddington Bear gets to go home with somebody who has worked really hard all week at their learning, behaviour and friendships and has followed the class rules. Paddington stays the whole weekend and we get to fill in the book of things he did with us at home. Then we bring it into school and share it with our friends.

Today we went home with our leaning packs. In our learning packs are lots of things to help our brains to grow big.We have a reading diary which can be used to communicate with school if we can’t speak to a member of the Reception team. We have laminated cards, sounds and helpful hints. The reason why we have these things is because if we learn at home and at school our brains will get even bigger!

In our learning packs are sound pockets with sound cards we have learnt this week, with Phoneme grids to eventually make words in with our sounds. We need to practise these at home with you. As we learn more sounds and words they will get put in our packs too. We will continue to be tested on these at school to make sure our sounds are secure.

Next week when we have all shown Miss Irwin how good we are at our sounds we will start to come home with reading books and we will be given a bugclub log in to read online books at home on the computer.

How can you help at home this week?

  • Practise the new sounds ‘s’ and ‘a’. Can they write the new letters, show you the actions and sing you the jolly phonic song. When we write ‘s’ we start at the top and do a curly top and then a curly bottom. When we write an ‘a’ we start at the top and give it a curly belly, we go up the stick and meet the top then down the stick and flick.
  • Go on the computer and practise the jolly phonics songs ‘s’ and ‘a’. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCjJYB07aSU
  • Practise number formation on our new formation cards.


Don’t forget it is inset on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th. Merekats Out of School Club are contactable through Miss Kippen.

Reception Welcome Evening- Tuesday 24th 6pm. This evening is to go through the curriculum, answer any questions, show you bigclub and explain what is expected in Reception and school from children and parents. All parents are invited and a leter will be sent out nearer the time to confirm numbers. This is an important meeting that would be very worthwhile your attendance for you and your child.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Irwin and Miss Kippen


First full day and week done!

We have just finished our first full day and our first week at school! Woo Hoo!
We are so brave and grown up Miss Irwin gave us all a mention in celebration assembly today ( our first assembly). She said we were all so good that she couldn’t pick one person to get a celebration badge because we all deserved one! 🙂

This morning Percy had left us a treasure hunt like we asked him for in our letter. We put on our waterproofs and wellies and set off to find our treasure.











Our treasure was a bag of sweets.
While we were in the allotment we had a look around at the vegetables.





On our way back to the classroom we had to have a jump in the puddles.






Then after playtime we had phonics. We practised our songs again. Miss Irwin said if we did them really well she would show us our new sound that we are learning on Monday. We learnt the song for ‘t’, but we really wanted to do the lesson! Miss Irwin asked us if we had ever written a word before? Most of us hadn’t. She said she would promise we would if we learnt ‘t’ and that our brains would grow and they would feel hot because they were on fire for being so clever!

We practised writing our letters, then Miss Irwin showed us what happens when you put them together. If you put s-a-t together and blend them you can write sat! So then we tried and we all wrote our first word on our own ‘sat’! Our brains were on fire! 🙂






20130906-200541.jpgWe couldn’t believe how clever we were.

This afternoon we planned our new topic. We shared our ideas of things we would like to learn about but in the end we decided on ‘999’. We like the idea of learning about Firemen, ambulances and the Police. Our plan has gone on the wall, next week we are going to make our role plays!

At the end of the day we had our first assembly and we did really well to sit and listen.

Paddington Bear went home tonight for the weekend. Miss Irwin chooses who he goes home with and it has to be someone who has been extra special all week and followed the class rules. Today Miss Irwin chose Nathan.

We are all very tired and deserve a good rest this weekend. Well done Class Jonah.