Rock Star Monday

Just a reminder that Monday is the teachers leaving assembly.

We are doing a special tribute and the class would like to dress as rock stars for this.

Black clothes, gelled hair or even rock star wigs is more than welcome.

If you ask the children what our song is we can tell you. We have been watching it on YouTube. We can’t put it on here because the teacher might find out!

Any questions please ask Miss Irwin.

Blue planet trip

Our trip started with a fresh smell of the countryside! 

Lydia gave us a lesson. First she tested us on our sea animal knowledge. We got them all correct.👍🏻 Then we categorised them into swimming animals, walking animals or both.

We learnt sharks don’t like the taste of humans because humans have iron in their blood and they taste like metal. 

We also learnt some small fish live inside the bell of jellyfish. This is to protect them from larger fish because the bell has no sting . 

Did you know Dolphins hold their breath under water because they have lungs like we do.

We learnt that lobsters can swim and walk and they live in a burrow. Lobsters can only swim backwards.

Did you know Starfish have 250 legs under each arm. We got to touch a starfish.

After our lesson we had lunch in the cafe watching the fish. 

We have seen some awesome fish and reptiles today.

We loved the aquatheatre talk and watching the divers feed the stingrays.

It has been a brilliant trip. We haven’t stopped all day! 

Thank you to all the adults who helped today. 👍🏻🐠🐟🐡🦀🐬🐳🐢🐋🐊🕷🦂

Sunny days 🌞🌞🌞

The sun is here to stay for Monday and the heat for a little longer, we will be making the most of it by adapting our outside area into a beach.

  • Tomorrow please make sure your child is wearing suncream.
  • They bring a hat.
  • They are wearing appropriate school uniform for the heat.
  • They have spare socks, pants etc in their bags incase they get wet whilst playing. (This inevitably will happen.)

We will have a paddling area. Unfortunatly though I do not have enough towels for a whole class. If you have any beach towels or spare towels you’d be happy to send in with your child, please do so.

Many thanks, 

Miss Irwin

It’s looking a bit fishy!

Our topic plan this term was to learn more about animals with the focus on sea animals. In our first week back at school we have been learning about fish. We watched many YouTube videos about fish and learnt about their gills and fins. However, it just didn’t seem real enough! 

So what better way to learn about fish than for us to actually look and touch them. As you can imagine some of us welcomed the challenge and some of us faced a fear of touching something new and unknown! 

Sad news and a funeral 😢

The morning of our return to school, we had some bad news. The smaller duckling had an accident and died after it had jumped out of its carry box and hurt itself. 

After some sad moments we decided to make sure we’d look after the one duckling that was left. To celebrate the ducklings time on earth we decided to have a funeral and write some prayers. 

Some of us wanted to read our prayers out. We used the steps as our pulpit like the big ones use in church.